
My studies and career have sparked a deep passion for software engineering and computer systems, fueling my drive for innovation and excellence.
Exceptional communication skills enable me to excel in diverse environments, working diligently and thriving in collaborative team settings.


Eager to bring dynamic innovations to the tech industry and make a positive global impact by developing creative software solutions.
Thank you for your time and attention.


Hello, I'm Alexander Harry
I am a dynamic Computer Scientist pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science at Philipps-University Marburg. With a solid foundation from my Bachelor's in Computer Engineering from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, I possess a diverse skill set in programming languages including Python, JavaScript, Scala, and C++, and expertise in web technologies like React.js and Node.js. My passion for infusing creativity into my projects extends to data analysis and machine learning, where I utilize powerful frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras to drive innovation. My projects showcase this versatility, from developing a personal portfolio website to crafting an interactive Covid-19 dashboard. Professionally, I've honed my sales assistant and IT support intern abilities and excelled in time management, teamwork, and problem-solving. Fluent in English and proficient in German, I am committed to pushing the boundaries of technology. Residing in Marburg, I am a software enthusiast interested in data analysis, full-stack development, artificial intelligence, and computer vision. This website is a testament to my journey, skills, and aspirations. Welcome to my official portfolio, where innovation meets excellence.

Technologies I Work With

  • Python
  • JavaScript ES6+
  • Scala
  • Pandas & Spark
  • React.js & Node.js
  • HTML & CSS

Beyond my professional life, I am passionate about a variety of interests that bring vibrancy and balance to my days. I'm an avid music enthusiast, always on the lookout for new tunes and genres to explore. Gaming is another passion of mine; I love diving into immersive worlds and testing my strategic skills. Football and table tennis are my go-to sports, offering a perfect mix of teamwork, competition, and physical activity. Additionally, I have a keen eye for photography, capturing stunning moments and turning them into visual stories. My portfolio includes some of my favorite shots each one, a testament to my creativity and attention to detail. Moreover, I am passionate about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and regularly hitting the gym to stay fit and energized.


Web-Based Display Application for Restaurant Data

This project entails the development of a Web-Based Restaurant Data Display Application, which enables users to explore restaurants by inputting their postcode and preferred rating. It utilizes an external API to fetch and filter restaurant data, presenting the results through an intuitive interface showcasing ratings, cuisines, and interactive maps.

My Personal Website

This project involves the creation of a comprehensive, responsive personal portfolio website. It showcases a diverse array of coding projects, complete with source code links and live demonstrations, effectively highlighting my web development skills and problem-solving abilities.

Covid-19 Interactive Dashboard

This project involves the development of an interactive dashboard that visualizes Covid-19 data from various sources in real-time.

CIFAR-10 CNN Classifier

The CIFAR-10 CNN Classifier is a deep learning model trained to classify images from the CIFAR-10 dataset with high accuracy.

Simulation of Industrial Robots

This project involves the simulation of industrial robots using advanced robotics software for optimization and automation purposes.


LaGrace Communication Company

Sales Assistant


Employed strategic thinking, creativity, and robust communication to enhance sales marketing efforts, oversee customer order management, and drive sustainable growth through prioritizing and documenting customer feedback within Document360.

Ashard Energy Company Limited

IT Support (Intern)


Implementing proven network optimization techniques to structure the client's infrastructure led to a 30% increase in website traffic, while conducting team-based performance analyses ensured punctual task completion and adherence to objectives, fostering subsequent sales growth.